Stakeholder Mapping

The stakeholder mapping is created to show the organizational structure and its associated roles/stakeholders involved in each level from customer to MSI. This helped the team to understand the main user types involved along the journey, roles they play and what is needed to target direct sales.


This ecosystem encompasses various components, including devices, subscriptions, users, capabilities, and settings. I explored different concepts to create a simplified configuration experience, incorporating features such as guided wizards, predefined settings, and user templates. Pros and cons were identified and documented for each model. Flowcharts and wireframes were shared with the design, product, and engineering teams for feasibility studies and feedback.

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Service Ecosystem

Service ecosystem was created to understand what are the resources and assets to  manage. It also clarifies how they are all related to each other and forms up the profile for communication. There are two main ecosystems: E-commerce and Provisioning

E-commerce: The vital components of a B2C Digital Ecommerce, such as orders of device, subscription, service contracts

Provisioning: The vitals components of a complete provisioning, such as user profile, device settings, TGs and Contacts etc.

Customer Journey Mapping

We interviewed 3 SME's and had research sessions with channel partners to understand the painpoints from the existing journey map and identify the opportunities. I built deeper understanding of the pain points in multiple touch points throughout the customer journey. 

In order to identify task flows, I configured brand new device in current provisioning tool and it took 12 minutes 25 seconds. Across stages, there is a lack of guidance and instructions on what they need to do next. It has very distributed tabs and pages. There is lack of a unified view to see devices, licenses and systems all together.  When there is a mix of fleet, the current categorization of devices and users becomes very confusing. There is a lack of subdivisions under a customer organization.

Aspirational Journey

E-commerce and provisioning exploration helped me to create an aspirational end-to-end journey for the Ownership Experience. I defined the relationship and touchpoints between purchaser, admin, end user and Motorola Solutions.

Role: UX Lead

Collaborated with: Product Owners, Architect, Intern

Duration: April 2022 - 6 months


This project creates a vision for the collective journey of Motorola's commercial products, encompassing steps such as e-commerce, orderability, out-of-the-box experiences, and device management. The product team was guided by this new ownership experience vision, aiming to provide a positive end-to-end service experience by connecting the touchpoints and interactions between Motorola and its direct customers.

Role: UX Lead

Collaborated with: Product Owners, Architect, Intern

Duration: April 2022 - 6 months


This project creates a vision for the collective journey of Motorola's commercial products, encompassing steps such as e-commerce, orderability, out-of-the-box experiences, and device management. The product team was guided by this new ownership experience vision, aiming to provide a positive end-to-end service experience by connecting the touchpoints and interactions between Motorola and its direct customers.

Role: UX Lead

Collaborated with: Product Owners, Architect, Intern

Duration: April 2022 - 6 months


This project creates a vision for the collective journey of Motorola's commercial products, encompassing steps such as e-commerce, orderability, out-of-the-box experiences, and device management. The product team was guided by this new ownership experience vision, aiming to provide a positive end-to-end service experience by connecting the touchpoints and interactions between Motorola and its direct customers.

Service Ecosystem

The service ecosystem was created to understand what are the resources and assets to manage. It also clarifies how they are all related to each other and forms up the profile for communication. There are two main ecosystems: E-commerce and Provisioning

E-commerce: The vital components of a B2C Digital e-commerce, such as orders of devices, subscriptions, service contracts

Provisioning: The vital components of a complete provisioning, such as user profile, device settings, TGs and Contacts etc.

Customer Journey Mapping

We interviewed 3 SMEs and had research sessions with channel partners to understand the painpoints from the existing journey map and identify the opportunities. I built deeper understanding of the pain points in multiple touch points throughout the customer journey. 

To identify task flows, I configured a brand new device in the current provisioning tool and it took 12 minutes 25 seconds. Across the stages, there is a lack of guidance and instructions on what they needed to do next. The portal has very distributed tabs and pages. There is a lack of a unified view to see devices, licenses, and systems all together.  When there is a mix of fleets, the current categorization of devices and users becomes very confusing. There is a lack of subdivisions under a customer organization.


This ecosystem includes different components such as orders of the devices, subscriptions, and service contracts. I explored different concepts such as solution builder, recommended packages, and customized bundles.  For each concept pros and cons were identified and documented. Flowcharts and wireframes were shared with the design, product, and engineering teams for feasibility studies and feedback.


The primary objective of this project was to develop a strategic vision for the end-to-end experience for the enterprise customers and provide guidance to the senior leadership for their decision-making process and product roadmap prioritization. This video has been created to present and pitch this vision. UX team drove business strategy with the definition of new e-commerce and device management experience.

Aspirational Journey

E-commerce and provisioning exploration helped me to create an aspirational end-to-end journey for the Ownership Experience. I defined the relationship and touchpoints between the purchaser, admin, end user, and Motorola.

Stakeholder Mapping

In order to understand the context stakeholder mapping is used to show the organizational structure and its associated roles/stakeholders involved in each level from customer to MSI. This helps the team to understand who are the main group of users involved along the journey, what roles they play and what is needed to target direct customers.


This ecosystem includes different components such as orders of devices, subscriptions and service contracts. I explored different concepts such as solution builder, recommended packages and customized bundles.  For each concept pros and cons were identified and documented. Flowcharts and wireframes were shared with the design, product, and engineering teams for feasibility studies and feedback.


This ecosystem encompasses various components, including devices, subscriptions, users, capabilities, and settings. I explored different concepts to create a simplified configuration experience, incorporating features such as guided wizards, predefined settings, and user templates. Pros and cons were identified and documented for each model. Flowcharts and wireframes were shared with the design, product, and engineering teams for feasibility studies and feedback.


The primary objective of this project was to develop a strategic vision for the end-to-end experience for PCR customers and provide guidance to senior leadership for their decision-making process and product roadmap prioritization. The video has been created to present and pitch this vision to our senior stakeholders. UX team drove business strategy with the definition of new e-commerce and device management experience.