User Settings


Existing Wave products are configured via Wave PTX Portal
Existing Wave products are configured via Wave PTX Portal
Existing Wave products are configured via Wave PTX Portal
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TLK 25
TLK 25
TLK 25
TLK 25 with Voice Assistant is launched in 07 23'
TLK 25 with Voice Assistant is launched in 07 23'
TLK 25 with Voice Assistant is launched in 07 23'
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B2C E-Commerce
B2C E-Commerce
B2C E-Commerce
MSI aims to sell TLK 25 directly to end customers for the first time
MSI aims to sell TLK 25 directly to end customers for the first time
MSI aims to sell TLK 25 directly to end customers for the first time
Visit Shop
Visit Shop
Visit Shop

Design Direction
UX team defined the design direction and the ideal user journey to guide the stakeholders for User Story Mapping sessions
UX team defines the design direction and ideal user journey to guide the stakeholders for User Story Mapping sessions

After the alignment on the design direction, UX team worked on the concept generation and evaluated ideas for the best solution

User Behavior Specification
The final design is documented as ready for development on Figma and shared with stakeholders
The final design is documented as ready for development on Figma and shared with stakeholders

Small Business Owner
Chez Ami Restaurant
Direct Customer
She owns a small restaurant with 8 staff members.
Needs: All she needs is a wearable device for seamless communication. She is not an expert on radios and needs guidance while setting up new devices for her team.
Small Business Owner
Chez Ami Restaurant
Direct Customer
She owns a small restaurant with 8 staff members.
Needs: She is not an expert on radios and needs guidance while setting up new devices for her team
Small Business Owner
Chez Ami Restaurant
Direct Customer
She owns a small restaurant with 8 staff members.
Needs: All she needs is a wearable device for seamless communication. She is not an expert on radios and needs guidance while setting up new devices for her team

IT Technician
Radio One
Sales Partner
Tesla is one of the Radio One's customer and purchased 50 new TLK 25 devices.
Needs: He configures the devices based on Tesla's specific needs such as WiFi settings, Talkgroup settings.

3 Customer Sessions
by UX Team
UX team attended CTP sessions with dealers to receive feedback on the preliminary design
04 23' Radio One, National Orders
05 23' Golden State

3 Customer Sessions
by UX Team
UX team attended CTP sessions with dealers to receive feedback on the preliminary design
04 23' Radio One, National Orders
05 23' Golden State

1 Heuristic Evaluation
by Research Team
Human Factors and Research team evaluated the app design and provided a Heuristic Evaluation Report
06 23'

14 Usability Testings
by UX Team
UX team completed UT sessions with both customers and internal SME's with different roles
06 23' Disney, MCA, Golden State
07 23' Internal SME's
09 23' PCR Strategy Team
140 Feedback
"I could not close the panel after editing the user names"
AJ Uy Sales Enablement
"It would be helpful to provide information about the features that I am not familiar with"
33 Positive Feedback
"App is a million times better than the website"
"I really like the process feedback of activation and deployment"
13 Fixed 1 Pushed to Future
14 High Risk Action
3 Fixed 5 Pushed to Future
8 Medium Risk Action
Pushed to Future
30 Low Risk Action
140 Feedback
"I could not close the panel after editing the user names."
AJ Uy Sales Enablement
"It would be helpful to provide information about the features that I am not familiar with."
33 Positive Feedback
"App is a million times better than the website."
"I really like the process feedback of activation and deployment."
13 Fixed 1 Pushed to Future
14 High Risk Action
3 Fixed 5 Pushed to Future
8 Medium Risk Action
Pushed to Future
30 Low Risk Action

3 Customer Sessions
by UX Team
UX team attended CTP sessions with dealers to receive feedback on the preliminary design
04 23' Radio One, National Orders
05 23' Golden State

3 Customer S.
by UX Team
UX team attended CTP sessions with dealers to receive feedback on the preliminary design
04 23' Radio One, National Orders
05 23' Golden State

1 Heuristic E.
by Research Team
Human Factors and Research team evaluated the app design and provided a Heuristic Evaluation Report
06 23'

14 Usability T.
by UX Team
UX team completed UT sessions with both customers and internal SME's with different roles
06 23' Disney, MCA, Golden State
07 23' Internal SME's
09 23' PCR Strategy T
140 Feedback
"I could not close the panel after editing the user names"
AJ Uy Sales Enablement
"It would be helpful to provide information about the features that I am not familiar with"
33 Positive Feedback
"App is a million times better than the website"
"I really like the process feedback of activation and deployment"
13 Fixed 1 Pushed to Future
14 High Risk Action
3 Fixed 5 Pushed to Future
8 Medium Risk Action
Pushed to Future
30 Low Risk Action
140 Feedback
"I could not close the panel after editing the user names."
AJ Uy Sales Enablement
"It would be helpful to provide information about the features that I am not familiar with."
33 Positive Feedback
"App is a million times better than the website."
"I really like the process feedback of activation and deployment."
13 Fixed 1 Pushed
14 High Risk Action
3 Fixed 5 Pushed
8 Medium Risk Action
Pushed to Future
30 Low Risk Action
TLK Configuration App is a simplified provisioning application with fully guided setup process for direct customers. It is designed for a seamless setup process, including steps like creating talkgroups, users, configuring settings, managing inventory, activation, and deployment. This app is available for direct customers who purchase TLK 25 from Motorola's website. TLK 25 is a compact communication device with an intuitive voice assistant. This product is a new member of the existing Wave family where Motorola aims to Business-to-Customer sales for the first time.
Role: UX Lead
Collaborated with: Product Owner, Solution Architect, Front End & Backend Developers, Program Manager
Duration: January 2023 - 10 months
Why Application?
Why Application?
Why Application?
For feedback and validation, the UX team completed customer feedback and usability testing sessions. In addition, we received a Heuristic Evaluation report from the Research team. Our objectives were to determine the overall usability of the app, discover problems, and identify opportunities.
Methods: Assess system usability scale with testers, identify issues and provide a solution, work with the Product Owner to assign priorities, and collaborate with the development team to resolve issues.
Equipments: Android smartphones with latest APKs, system usability scale forms, moderator guide, task & feedback surveys.
For feedback and validation, the UX team completed customer feedback and usability testing sessions. In addition, we received a Heuristic Evaluation report from the Research team. Our objectives were to determine the overall usability of the app, discover problems, and identify opportunities.
Methods: Assess system usability scale with testers, identify issues and provide a solution, work with the Product Owner to assign priorities, and collaborate with the development team to resolve issues.
Equipments: Android smartphones with latest APKs, system usability scale forms, moderator guide, task & feedback surveys.
For feedback and validation, the UX team completed customer feedback and usability testing sessions. In addition, we received a Heuristic Evaluation report from the Research team. Our objectives were to determine the overall usability of the app, discover problems, and identify opportunities.
Methods: Assess system usability scale with testers, identify issues and provide a solution, work with the Product Owner to assign priorities, and collaborate with the development team to resolve issues.
Equipments: Android smartphones with latest APKs, system usability scale forms, moderator guide, task & feedback surveys.
Design Process
The goal is to shorten the setup process from 40 minutes to 5~10 minutes. During this stage, the UX team has generated six iterations on the design concepts and flows, including low-fidelity prototypes.
The solution must guide both users with customized needs and users who expect predefined settings.
The solution must encompass both the new set-up process and updates to the existing setup, which includes modifications such as adding or removing users, devices, and talk groups.
The configuration process should be more user-friendly by creating dialogues with the end-users.
The app should follow Motorola's Design System.
Design Process
Our goal is to shorten the setup process from 40 minutes to 5~10 minutes. During this stage, we have generated six iterations on design concepts and flows, including low-fidelity prototypes.
The solution must guide both users with customized needs and users who expect predefined settings.
The solution must encompass both the new set-up process and updates to the existing setup, which includes modifications such as adding or removing users, devices, and talk groups.
The configuration process should be more user-friendly by creating dialogues with the end-users.
The app should follow Motorola's Design System
Design Process
Our goal is to shorten the setup process from 40 minutes to 5~10 minutes. During this stage, we have generated six iterations on design concepts and flows, including low-fidelity prototypes.
The solution must guide both users with customized needs and users who expect predefined settings.
The solution must encompass both the new set-up process and updates to the existing setup, which includes modifications such as adding or removing users, devices, and talk groups.
The configuration process should be more user-friendly by creating dialogues with the end-users.
The app should follow Motorola's Design System
Built trust with new stakeholders who did not have any experience working with designers
Included research into the design effort as the program did not have a dedicated Researcher
Standardized UX update requests and scope alignment process
Unexpected delays occurred due to the backend API dependency. Descoped planned features & created backlog. This saved UX team more time for refinement & testing
Built trust with new stakeholders who did not have any experience working with designers
Included research into the design effort as the program did not have a dedicated Researcher
Standardized UX update requests and scope alignment process
Unexpected delays occurred due to the backend API dependency. Descoped planned features & created backlog. This saved UX team more time for refinement & testing
Next Steps
New deployment methods
Mix fleet by expanding app support with existing Wave products such as TLK 100, TLK 110 & TLK 150
Location Tracking
Support Experience
UX refinement for the existing features
Clone & Edit Bulk Users
Next Steps
This project will continue by 2025 including new UX scope and enhancements.
Mix fleet support
Location Tracking
Support Experience
UX refinement for existing features
Clone & Edit Bulk Users
Target User
TLK Configuration App is a simplified provisioning application with fully guided setup process for direct customers. It is designed for a seamless setup process, including steps like creating talkgroups, users, configuring settings, managing inventory, activation, and deployment. This app is available for direct customers who purchase TLK 25 from Motorola's website. TLK 25 is a compact communication device with an intuitive voice assistant. This product is a new member of existing Wave Product Family where Motorola aims Business-to-Customer sale for the first time


Role: UX Lead
Collaborated with: Product Owner, Solution Architect, Front End & Backend Developers, Program Manager
Duration: January 2023 - 10 months
TLK Configuration App is a simplified provisioning application with fully guided setup process for direct customers. It is designed for a seamless setup process, including steps like creating talkgroups, users, configuring settings, managing inventory, activation, and deployment. This app is available for direct customers who purchase TLK 25 from Motorola's website. TLK 25 is a compact communication device with an intuitive voice assistant. This product is a new member of existing Wave Product Family where Motorola aims Business-to-Customer sale for the first time
Role: UX Lead
Collaborated with: Product Owner, Solution Architect, Front End & Backend Developers, Program Manager
Duration: January 2023 - 10 months

User Settings


Quick Set up Wizard

Adding Talkgroups & Users
The admin will start by adding talkgroups for the users. App provides predefined talkgroup names based on the business that the admin operates. The second step is adding users, defining their capabilities and assigning them to talkgroups and contact lists.
User settings are predefined and optional for admins to customize except some mandatory fields such as WiFi network or emergency set up.
When all users are ready, they need to be activated in the system. This will take a few seconds.
For the first time set up, the admin will receive simple tutorial for wizard experience. Wizard panel can be expanded anytime during the setup. It gives admin a flexibility to make edits any time they need. In Users tab, the user can view number of users are being created, their names and inventory status.


When the users are activated, the admin can download user settings to the specific device. They will be guided through the process of connecting the devices to the WiFi so the device can download the corresponding user configuration.
The app collects subscription information automatically from the admin's account. For devices, the admin has to add devices via QR code scanning or manually by entering IMEI and Serial Numbers. The app will automatically link inventory with the new users.
The app collects subscription information automatically from the admin's account. For devices, the admin has to add devices via QR code scanning or manually by entering IMEI and Serial Numbers. The app will automatically link inventory with the new users.

Quick Set up Wizard

Adding Talkgroups & Users



Check the evolution of the wizard design

Quick Set up Wizard

Adding Talkgroups & Users